How to get rid of mommy belly healthily after pregnancy


 After childbirth, the skin usually remains fairly distended. Depending on the woman, the belly returns to its identical shape, almost identical or not. Nevertheless, some changes are permanent on the body. We explain everything to you.

How to get rid of mommy belly healthily after pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's body keeps getting rounder and rounder as the months go by to accommodate baby. This is not an easy stage for mothers, especially after childbirth. Indeed, once baby points the tip of his nose, the skin of the belly generally remains relaxed. Nevertheless, this phenomenon remains natural and human. In the world, approximately 9 out of 10 mothers go through this tedious stage.

Make people feel guilty!

Your body has just welcomed a little one for nine months, so you have to be merciful to him. Many women put pressure on themselves to get back in shape. First of all, you should know that there is no obligation to "regain" your pre-pregnancy figure and that, even if it is your wish, there is no effective miracle diet to lose weight. These solutions may have a positive effect on your weight but you may regain it all in a few weeks, or even worse, have the yo-yo effect (gain double what you lost). If you want to lose weight, it is a favorite to do a diet rebalancing rather than a diet. In fact, it is better to eat a healthier diet rather than a drastic one. You can allow yourself a few excesses a week to avoid falling for a pastry at the bakery around the corner.

"Finding a young girl's body is an illusion."

Once you become a mom, your body changes forever. Even if it is not visible from the outside; inside, things have changed. "Finding a young girl's body again is an illusion," warns Laurence Myr, dietician-nutritionist. "A woman who has never had a pregnancy before will never find her body the same as it was before pregnancy, even with a standard weight gain."

If your personal wish is to lose weight following your pregnancy, here is the best advice from our nutritionist

  • "Limit weight gain during pregnancy because, as many pounds will be gained during pregnancy, as many pounds will have to be lost after pregnancy.
  • For overweight or obese women, weight gain should be limited and should not exceed nine kilos. Except for a person who is underweight, she may gain many more kilos.
  • After giving birth, there is a drop in hormones, our desires and physiological needs will change. Our bodies will need a different quantity and quality of food during pregnancy to avoid deficiencies.
  • If the mother is breastfeeding, there will be a greater uterine contraction. She will find her uterine volume more easily because breastfeeding promotes weight loss.
  • If the mother is breastfeeding, she must make sure she eats foods with calcium and vitamin D. It is advisable to take two servings of dairy products a day, such as cheese, milk or yoghurt, to cover the nutritional needs of both baby and mother.
  • If she does not breastfeed, she has the same physiological needs as during pregnancy. It is strongly advised to resume an adapted diet. We eat when we are hungry, no snacking and we practice a physical activity in addition.
  • The mother will be able to consume raw vegetables, because it is a source of antioxidant which will make it possible to cleanse the body".

Traces of you
If you haven't delivered your baby yet, it's important to massage and moisturize your body during pregnancy. This will help to limit the appearance of stretch marks as much as possible. Also remember to hydrate yourself well, if you can't drink 1.5 liters of water a day, you can eat waterlogged fruits and vegetables. If stretch marks have appeared on your body during pregnancy, you should try to put them into perspective. Your new stretch marks should be seen as indelible memories of your pregnancy.

To limit their appearance, you can apply creams or oils against stretch marks. These marks will not leave your skin because they are lesions of the tissue fibers, but they can be attenuated. According to the expert, a stretch mark would correspond to "an elastic band that has cracked in the woman's body". If you do not see any improvement, you can consult a dermatologist who will advise you. In particular, he can prescribe you a cream with vitamin A acid in case of important stretch marks. If you are unable to get rid of your stretch marks, laser sessions can be performed.

How can I regain my body tone?

In order to regain your body after pregnancy, it is necessary to do physical exercises in order to tone your body. To eliminate the soft belly, it is essential to accompany your rebalancing with physical exercises. Gaining and obliques for the abs, sit-ups, inverted crunchs, push-ups, these daily exercises will help you firm up your body.

If you are not very athletic, you can choose the abdominal belt that allows you to burn fat through electrical impulses, vibrations or by stimulating perspiration in the abdominal belt.

Here are the expert's tips for toning your body after pregnancy:

  • It is necessary to build muscles to give a certain tonicity to the body: at the level of the abs, thighs and chest.
  • In the chest area, it is necessary to maintain a certain muscularity by doing exercises such as swimming, walking or cycling. And for those who prefer to work out from home, here's the exercise: bring your elbows up to shoulder level and squeeze your palms together in front of your chest and apply pressure for about ten seconds. Repeat several times a day.
  • In terms of the body, the best ally of the mother will be to take her baby for a walk, in a stroller. Favour the cool hours in summer and the hot hours in winter. Walk for between an hour and an hour and a half a day, which will stimulate the muscles in the pectorals and arms.

How can I get my hair back after giving birth?

During pregnancy, pregnant women gain in thickness and volume, but a few months after giving birth, mothers are frequently confronted with severe hair loss. Nevertheless, there is nothing to worry about. This phenomenon of hair loss is normal after the birth of a child, medically called postpartum effluvium, a natural reaction of the body. The reason for hair loss after childbirth is due to hormones, specifically estrogen, which is produced in large quantities in the body during pregnancy. This production of estrogen stimulates hair growth, but also ensures that the hair does not fall out quickly. As a result, hair becomes more voluminous and stronger. Nevertheless, "if there is hair loss after childbirth, it is due to a vitamin or mineral deficiency". For the nutritionist, dietary supplements should not be taken without the advice of a health professional because "some supplements can be found in breast milk."

Here is the expert's advice:

"You should check your vitamin D level in your blood after having a blood test prescribed by your doctor. This vitamin is found in fatty fish. You should also monitor your vitamin B6 level, which is found in leafy vegetables and red meats.
To avoid having too much weight to lose, it is necessary to have a varied diet with healthy foods, to limit the risks of deficiencies, especially iron deficiency".
Thanks to Laurence Myr for her expert advice. For more information, this dietician-nutritionist is available for teleconsultation throughout France.


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