What was the pettiest thing you got angry over during pregnancy?


During pregnancy, under the action of hormones, emotions are amplified. 

The pregnant woman can go from laughter to tears in a short time. Nathalie Lancelin-Huin, a perinatal psychologist, helps us to better understand these mood swings and to tame them.

What was the pettiest thing you got angry over during pregnancy?

Excitement, irritation, laughter, tears, joy, sadness... During pregnancy, women are subjected to a veritable whirlwind of emotions that can lead to mood swings. These usually occur during the first trimester and vary in intensity from person to person.

Hormones highlight emotions

For example, some women who are usually sensitive may be more calm and collected than usual during their pregnancy. Others, on the other hand, are much more emotional. In all cases, these mood swings are involuntary.

The cause of all these agitations? The hormones. "The hormonal bath of pregnancy predisposes to a greater emotionality. This is manifested by mood swings as can be experienced at puberty, during menstrual cycles, menopause ... Hormones, in full action, highlight the emotions, "explains Nathalie Lancelin-Huin, psychologist specializing in perinatal and author of Pregnant, Journey to the heart of emotions, published by Horay.

Emotions resurface

This hormonal flow agitates the emotions and can bring back previous facts, sometimes badly digested. It must be said that pregnancy, if it brings a real physical upheaval, also leads to an upheaval from a psychological point of view.

The woman asks herself many questions. She thinks about the child she was, the childhood she had, the education she received, her relationship with her parents... Is she at peace with her past? She is also worried about the unknown. What tests are needed during the pregnancy? Is her baby okay? How will the delivery go? Will she be a good mother? 

More sensitive, she feels more worries, things that displease her. She may resent her partner for spending too much time at the gym in the evening, or regret the indifference of her friends towards her pregnancy...

The clichés convey the image of a pregnant woman who is more painful because of her mood swings. Nathalie Lancelin-Huin urges to get rid of this idea and recommends, instead of simply taking it easy, to collect these emotions. "It is as if the body is saying to the pregnant woman: 'Soothe your past, even the recent past, to prepare yourself for this new life and make yourself available for your baby. 

This upheaval is necessary, it should not be guilt-inducing. It should be taken as an opportunity to find your balance, to be at peace with yourself and your history", confides the psychologist.

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To analyze its states of mind

If, for example, you argue with your mother every time she calls you, look for the reason for your anger. "Is she too absent for your taste? Does she do things differently for you and your brother or sister? Are you afraid she's going to die? 

If you're crying about something, there's a message behind it. You have to follow the psychic thread", recommends Nathalie Lancelin-Huin.

To do this, write down your feelings in a logbook of your pregnancy each time you have a sudden change of mood, positive or negative. Writing allows you to distance yourself from your emotions. Then, reread it to understand what caused the emotion and what it says about you.

With a hectic lifestyle, we don't always take the time to reflect on ourselves and our feelings. However, this allows us to better understand our moods and behaviors.

Ease tensions

Finally, you can take action. You can, for example, call your mother back to calmly address the real reason for your anger, send her a text message, a letter, or, depending on the case, take a little more distance in order to preserve yourself, limit the duration of your meetings...

Entertain yourself in order to think about lighter things and to take care of yourself: walk in nature, listen to music, read, do yoga, go out to dinner with friends, go to the movies... And sleep well in order to be rested and better able to channel your emotions.

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