Fitness advice after childbirth: patience above all!

During pregnancy and childbirth, a woman's body was subjected to a veritable tsunami. Many physical and physiological changes took place during these 9 months. 


During the first months after giving birth, it is therefore necessary to show patience and compassion for this body that carried and gave life to this little being that you may be wearing at the time of reading this article (thank you for the scarf!!!!).

We don't immediately regain our former energy and small inconveniences such as bladder weakness are unfortunately common among young mothers because of the fragility of the perineum.

Which activities/movements to do from 0 to 6 weeks, from 6 to 12 weeks and from 3 to 6 months after giving birth. 

Fitness advice after childbirth: resume without hurting yourself

Just like the intelligent practice of sports during pregnancy, the key word during this Postnatal period is ADAPTATION!!!

Physical exercise can help you regain vitality faster and a fit body, but with ADAPTED SPORT PRACTICE IN THE FIRST 6 MONTHS POST BIRTH. 

The following tips will help you get back to physical activity in a gentle way so that you can reap the maximum benefits (and all this despite fatigue, hormone cravings and not having much time for yourself).

Fitness advice after childbirth: 6 essential things to know

  1. Walking is the perfect activity to start off smoothly, even for 5 minutes! The idea is to start moving around a little every day. Go outside and get some fresh air with baby sleeping in his stroller, it'll be good for your morale at the same time.
  2. Increase your physical practice time by 5mins every 2 days until you reach your desired total time. No problem if you want to go up to 30mins but if ever your body gets tired before especially decrease the time of your sessions.
  3. Divide your sports sessions into 10 mins sessions to be done twice a day for example. The daily schedule during the 1st month with baby is quite unpredictable so you need to be flexible. It's always better "a little" than not at all!
  4. During the first weeks/months after giving birth, you should focus on upper body exercises (arms, upper back) that do not put pressure on the pelvic floor, which is still fragile. Depending on your fitness level, you can practice sitting or standing exercises.
  5. Once you feel ready (and your perineal rehabilitation is underway or finished - with the approval of your physiotherapist/midwife) you can gently resume leg exercises such as squats or lunges. It is possible that you may feel less supple and weak, this is completely normal. The important thing at this stage is to gradually get your body used to moving again. With regularity, you will quickly regain your strength and endurance.
  6. Depending on how you feel, begin to incorporate exercises that gently strengthen your abdominal muscles. For example, you can start doing gentle exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles. In any case, the CRUNCHS exercises are BANNERED. 

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