Calculate the best time to get pregnant after your period | the best ovulation period


The temperature curve and the home ovulation test are methods that allow a woman who wants to have a child to know precisely when she is ovulating and, therefore, her optimal fertile day to get pregnant. However, these techniques cannot guarantee a pregnancy. And which could even, sometimes, have the opposite effect...

Calculate the best time to get pregnant after your period

he best time to - get pregnant - conceive a baby is the 14th day of the cycle. This is a theoretical concept that applies to women who have a regular 28-day menstrual cycle. What if they don't?

The right ovulation calculation

To know the time of ovulation and therefore the most fertile period of the cycle, 14 days must be deducted from the cycle length (14 days before the next period). A woman with a fixed cycle of 28, for example, ovulates on the 14th day before her period (28-14 = 14).

However, not all women have a regular cycle. It is therefore difficult to predict the exact day on which they should ovulate.

The menstrual cycle generally varies between 23 and 35 days. The best time for fertilization is 3 to 4 days before ovulation and 1 to 2 days after. It is therefore possible to predict this period, but only approximately.

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Ovulation period: some clues

A reliable indicator of whether a woman is in the ovulatory period is the secretion of abundant and fluid cervical mucus. The duration of the ovulatory period is then approximately 24 hours, which corresponds to the life span of the oocyte. However, this does not happen to all women or they do not realize it.

The temperature curve is another way of detecting the most fertile period of the cycle. It consists of taking your temperature every day, from the first day of the cycle, in the same way and at the same time of day. The body temperature increases between 0.2 and 0.4°C in the 24 to 48 hours following ovulation. Therefore, this method does not predict the period of ovulation but defines the ideal time to have intercourse.

Ovulation tests, on the other hand, make it possible to predict the period of ovulation a few days in advance (between 2 days for the classic tests and up to 6 days for more advanced tests).

Finally, patience...

From the moment a couple decides to have a child, they wait an average of 4 cycles before the woman is pregnant. If it lasts longer, it is not necessarily a sign of infertility. But if there is any doubt, the gynecologist is there to advise couples, help them and reassure them.

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