Baby Boy Symptoms In 5th Month, 5th Month Of Pregnancy: 5 Months Pregnant


[20th to 24th SA, 18th to 22nd week] In this 5th month of pregnancy, baby is taking control and starting to make its mark on your life! Girl or boy, he or she is changing your body, your heart, your rhythm... for your greatest pleasure!

5 months of pregnancy: which weeks?

The fifth month of pregnancy runs from the 18th week to the 22nd week of pregnancy, or from the 20th week of amenorrhea (20 SA) to the 24th week of amenorrhea. You are still in your second trimester of pregnancy.
baby boy symptoms in 5th month
baby boy symptoms in 5th month

Symptoms of the 5th month of pregnancy

Pregnant 5 months, from the 18th week of pregnancy, you are fulfilled, you feel well your baby, you know his sleeping rhythm, his small movements. You revel in feeling him under your hands and you marvel at his mischief. Your breasts are swollen and your belly continues to round. Your vaginal discharge may also intensify, without any risk to you or your baby. You're about halfway through your pregnancy and are starting to think about the birth and this new life together as a threesome.

Lower back pain

In the 5th month of pregnancy you may suffer from ligament pain but also back pain. You take the characteristic posture of a pregnant woman: hollowed out kidneys and a curved back to counterbalance the front of the body which weighs more heavily. The ligaments of the pelvis stretch, your center of gravity shifts and inevitably the lumbar, hip and neck areas suffer the consequences. Rest as much as you can, lie down if you feel the need and also pay attention to your posture when you are sitting (back straight and legs slightly raised). 

Back pain during pregnancy: how to relieve the pain?

Tips and exercises to develop good habits and avoid pain during pregnancy.


You may feel very tired and be prone to minor discomforts. When you get up in the morning, after a slightly sustained effort, your breathing intensifies to ventilate your organs that are working at full capacity, not to mention the reduced volume of your rib cage caused by the increase in the volume of the uterus that compresses the abdominal mass on the diaphragm. In addition, a high level of CO2 in your blood can cause glare, you feel hot and sweat much more than usual. It is the increased action of your thyroid gland that causes the temperature to rise.

Heavy legs 

The increase in blood volume can lead to small bleeds (in the nose and gums), tingling in the limbs, a feeling of heavy legs, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Follow your doctor's treatment recommendations scrupulously and use a few tips every day to relieve yourself: sleep with your legs elevated, avoid compressing your ankles in socks, dilate your vessels in hot baths, or make your limbs swell by opting for a standing position 12 hours a day. Don't worry if you notice spider veins on your skin (a dilation of the small capillary vessels), they will disappear after childbirth.

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Pulling belly, hard belly or contractions?

It is not pleasant but it is perfectly normal. Your uterus continues to grow at a steady rate and the ligaments (again!) that support it stretch, causing tightness in the lower abdomen. However, be careful not to confuse these pains with contractions. At this stage of pregnancy, some expectant mothers regularly experience pregnancy contractions, the belly hardens for a few seconds and then relaxes. If these contractions are not painful or regular, they are not dangerous. However, if they intensify or are accompanied by fluid or blood loss, consult a doctor immediately.

Stretch marks

Stretch marks are the obsession of mothers-to-be. Due to the enlargement of the uterus, the skin's elastin and collagen fibers will become thinner and the skin may crack. Stretch marks then appear on the stomach, breasts, hips, thighs or buttocks. Initially, these marks are reddish purple and then become white over time ... and therefore permanent. The only way to protect yourself from stretch marks is to moisturize your body daily with a suitable cream or vegetable oil from the beginning of your pregnancy. Unfortunately, not all women are equal when it comes to stretch marks and it must be admitted that if the skin should crack... it will.

The baby in the 5th month of pregnancy

Baby's height and weight

Between the 19th and 20th week of pregnancy, baby will experience a real growth spurt. It passes from 17 to nearly 28 centimeters and weighs approximately 500 g. The 19th week of pregnancy, the 20th week of pregnancy and the 21st week of pregnancy will see many changes. Its skin thickens but appears red and wrinkled because it was formed before the appearance of subcutaneous fat. The "vernix caseosa", a fatty substance that appears at the 22nd week of pregnancy, protects this skin which macerates in the amniotic fluid. Its first streaked hair looks like silk threads. Her eyes remain closed but we know that their iris is already pigmented. 

The evolution of the fetus month by month

During the nine months of pregnancy, your baby will go from being a "pea" by a few millimeters to a "pea" by three kilos! An in utero evolution that we detail, month by month, with Anh-Chi Ton, midwife in Paris.

Baby moves a lot

In the fifth month of pregnancy, baby moves around a lot, gets agitated in all directions, sometimes even at night because his sleep phases now well determined do not correspond to yours (it would be too simple...). This activity is a sign of his development and contributes to his growth. The father-to-be can now also feel the baby's movements. Take some time, in a quiet place, to start bonding the three of you. This moment of intimacy will become a real ritual.

Girl or boy?

If you had already obtained an indication as to the sex of the baby during the first ultrasound, it is during the morphological ultrasound of the 5th month of pregnancy that you will be able to know it with certainty. Girl or boy, baby will finally reveal his secret. A moment much awaited by the future parents and always a great moment of emotion. From now on, you will be able to call him by his first name, this baby that you are waiting for so impatiently is now in your heart your little girl or your little boy. On the other hand, if you want to keep the surprise to the end, tell the sonographer right away so that he doesn't reveal baby's secret too quickly. 

5 months of pregnancy: what to do?

The 3rd mandatory medical consultation

During the 5th month prenatal exam, the doctor or midwife who follows you will check your weight gain, your blood pressure and will measure your uterine height. He or she will also prescribe a blood test and a check for the presence of sugar or albumin in the urine. The practitioner will then perform a vaginal examination to examine the cervix and will ask you about your symptoms and your general state of health. These appointments are also an opportunity to talk openly with your doctor and ask any questions you may have.

2nd trimester of pregnancy: which weeks, ultrasound and exams?

That's it, you are entering the second trimester of your pregnancy. The follow-up is more regular and you will now have one appointment per month. Anh-Chi Ton, midwife, details the different exams that will take place in the coming months.

The 2nd ultrasound (morphological)

This is the second ultrasound where you will see your baby best! Indeed, at this stage, you can clearly distinguish the baby, his profile, his hands carried to his mouth, his movements, his reflexes (he moves backwards when his foot touches your abdominal wall!) and his gender... It is called "the morphological ultrasound" because, during 30 minutes, a precise study of the external physical structures of the baby is carried out. Its growth is evaluated thanks to various measurements such as, among others, those of the cranial or abdominal perimeter. You now have a detailed account of its evolution and go home with images in your head. Baby is there, he is in great shape and you have spent more than half of the pregnancy. The meeting is approaching!

Childbirth preparation and sophrology exercises

If you've decided to take childbirth classes, you'll learn how to control your breathing to relax, how to adopt comfortable positions, and how to manage pain with your breath. Otherwise, don't hesitate to ask your gynecologist for a few simple exercises and gestures to do at home. Guides can also provide you with indications on how to breathe in and out efficiently. Sophrology is very useful during pregnancy, both to feel good about your body and to learn how to control your breath but also to relax and release tension.

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