Newborn Night Time Routines | Establishing a routine with your newborn baby


Beyond being reassuring for a newborn, the routine of the first weeks will also allow parents to find a new rhythm and limit fatigue (as much as possible) by organizing themselves as much as possible.

Establishing a routine with your newborn baby
Newborn Night Time Routines

Routine refers to moments that are repeated daily. The adult world generally shuns it by always looking for new things to do and ways to boost the daily routine. Keep in mind that a baby functions differently from adults at this level. He constantly seeks to be reassured after having lived a peaceful life in utero, he arrives in a daily life which goes quickly. First of all, you should know that it's not up to him to adapt to it as quickly as possible, not now in any case, it's too soon. The first few weeks, you will have to set the same pace as your child. Try to take a nap at the same time as your child during the day to keep up with night-time awakenings, change your mealtimes if it doesn't fit with your baby's rhythm, forget about housework for a few days... because it's all right. For baby to be peaceful, you just need to establish a routine with him.

A beauty ritual in the morning

What do we like these little morning moments, where it's just him and us. We take the time to make him all the small cares wisely studied in the maternity, we perfume him with our favorite perfume, we take a clever pleasure to choose his small clothes (white, white or white!) well folded in his tidy cupboard... We take advantage of it to speak to him, to tell him about his childbirth, to reassure him, to cuddle him!


Take an afternoon nap together

During the first weeks a baby sleeps between 10 and 12 hours a day. This usually gives you some time to do other things around the house, but don't forget to get some rest yourself. Taking one of the day's naps with your child seems like a reassuring routine for your baby if he's upset and has a harder time falling asleep at some times of the day than others. And it'll be relaxing for you, too. It's a time for you two to develop a strong bond.

Give the bath at the same time

This creates a semblance of rhythm. Bath time is a relaxing time to take care of baby. Dress him afterwards, cuddle him, make these moments last and try to do them around the same time, especially if baby is reluctant to go in the water at first. As the days go by, he'll understand that this is an important moment in your routines. For your information, bathing at night allows the child to relax and fall asleep more easily...

Listen to quiet music together

Newborns are very receptive to music. You can find a CD with quiet songs that can fit into your daily routine. Once a day if you feel your baby is more agitated you can play something familiar. This can also be a relaxing time for you. Don't hesitate to sing soft songs, which you will repeat as often as possible.

Baby massage

If you have the opportunity to try a baby massage course taught by health professionals and learn the basics you can replicate them at home. Several times a week, you can give your child this type of massage. They often fall asleep during this time, which they enjoy. This can be part of your soothing and reassuring routines.

Getting some fresh air once a day

It can also be part of the daily life of mom and baby during maternal leave. Once a day at about the same time you can go for a walk in the park or in the forest. In a stroller, sling or baby carrier according to your preferences. Babies love to get fresh air and this gives you an opportunity to get out of the house and that's essential!

The evening bottle

The evening bottle is perhaps the most important, because usually baby is tired or angry, and yet he must take his reserves for the night. But don't rush your baby's rhythm thinking about your quiet evening, not yet! Try, with the dad if possible, to set aside this special time together in a quiet place. Settle into your room, for example, with the lights off and a night-light on, why not with soft music in the background, and talk to him. Entrust his night so that everything goes well, tell him again how much you love him, and that everything will go well!

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