Prose Custom Hair Care - And the custom shampoo arrived...


 A small revolution is taking place in the bathroom. Shampoos are gradually moving from the industrial era to personalized composition. #ondecrypt

Prose Custom Hair Care - And the custom shampoo arrived...
Prose Custom Hair Care - And the custom shampoo arrived...

A potion made to measure. If each morphology is unique, so is each hair. It is based on this observation that young companies are developing the concept of personalized shampoo. They have chosen to accompany the general public in the realization of their prose custom hair care by accompanying people lacking knowledge in terms of combinations, compositions, quantities, or even conservation. This concept is notably initiated by the French brand Juste. Its creator Benjamin Garzillo felt lost with the existing offer. "We no longer knew how to identify the right product. We all have very different hair and we spend our time changing shampoos without really finding the right one for us. Our idea was to allow people to stop looking. We create it with them and for them. "Of course, brands such as Aroma-Zone or Waam Cosmetics are already making it possible to create natural cosmetic products adapted to their needs.

The Franco-American brand Prose was also created based on this observation. Its co-founder Arnaud Plas specifies that he is not interested in the state of the hair but "at the origin of the problem", the important thing being not to know if it is dry but why it has become so. These personalized prose custom hair care  products are launched at a time when the scandals of unsold products - which represent up to 40% of the production and are destroyed - are breaking out. At Prose, "we make what we sell. It's more ecological and sustainable."

Essential oils and boosters

For its part, Mon Shampoing launched last year strives to offer quality products " By observing different types of cosmetics, I wanted to offer this personalization thanks to essential and vegetable oils. I wanted to move away from classic marketing without neglecting quality," says its creator. On sale, shampoos and conditioners with a natural and neutral base are thus proposed, to which boosters must be added. The latter are composed of three essential oils for the smell and vegetable oils for nutrition, "natural products tend to make hair dry, so we wanted to fill this. Thus, colored hair will smell like orange and oily hair will smell like mint. "For the boosters, we really wanted to emphasize the smell, like a perfume, thanks to the essential oils. »

Prose Custom Hair Care - And the custom shampoo arrived...
The shampoo + conditioner range with boosters

In particular, it is possible to select different boosters for shampoo and conditioner. Juste also boasts to propose natural products to, at least, 97%, "The rest concerns the perfumes which are of synthesis because less allergenic" specifies Benjamin Garzillo.

Questionnaires to find the right product

It remains to be seen how to make a tailor-made product without seeing the hair. My Shampoo offers six types of boosters adapted to six hair types. At Juste, things get complicated. The adventure begins with an online questionnaire about the nature of the hair and different indications (lack of shine, volume or dehydration).
"We'll work out a formula especially for you. We dig into the many natural active ingredients and we dose precisely according to your answers in order to have a precise and effective action" says Benjamin Garzillo".

Prose does the same with 25 questions developed with hairdressers and dermatologists: "We want to know about the scalp, the hair, but also about food and living environment as well as sun exposure, environmental pollution or water quality", says its co-founder, Arnaud Plas. In order to be sure to offer a suitable product, the brand sends a questionnaire three weeks after the first test to adjust the formula.

However, this concept comes at a price. The start-up Juste offers on its website the shampoo and conditioner 250ml at 20 euros each. To take advantage of the essential oils of Mon Shampoing, the shampoo, conditioner and two boosters are sold at 75 euros. As for the Prose products, you will have to be patient. Only 18 months after its launch, the brand, which is distributed in the United States, does not yet have a planned date for France.

Patricia Debrant defends the price difference with products sold in supermarkets by evoking a change in consumer behavior: "We buy less, but better. Hair re-greases less quickly with natural products. As a result, less product is used and expenses are balanced". In the end, the consumer would be willing to pay provided that the product is completely adapted to him or her. Ultimately, ultra-personalized care could become the future of beauty. 

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